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Friday, November 2, 2012 | 10:33 AM | 0 Pilot Terbang

Bila sekolah tak sabar nak cutikan,bila cuti boring pulak. that's it! seriously boring duduk rumah..kerja aku makan,tidur,tengok tv,duduk depan laptop gelak sorang-sorang sampai mak aku ingat anak perempuan dia sorang ni da gila ...I am running man die hard fans! (okey takde kena mengena)Semenjak dua menjak tiga menjak ni kan, mak aku sibuk buat cheese tart and fruit tart yang orang order..and satu hari aku suruh mak aku ajarkan..seriously senang je lah wei! *cehh*and finally i found my new hobby...buat cheese tart and then paksa orang makan.. haha! Lagipun aku jual lah benda tuh .Apa??nak beli? boleh sila lihat di bawah ye semua.. :)


Cheese tart:1 piece-rm1.20
                  1 box(25 pieces)-rm 30.00
Flavours: blueberry,strawberry,orange,kiwi and chocolate

Fruit tart:1 piece-rm0.80
              1 box(25 pieces)-rm 20.00

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Hi. Thanks for dropping by. To my dearest Pilot ♡ , I gave you the key to my heart. Keep it safe and don't loose it or let it rust. I trust you. I am in love with you and I'll always be there for you. I love you. A lot. ♡
Big Claps

Basecode : Ana Min- Ji
Template : Sya Syahirah
Header : OneWifey
Tutorial : OneWifey
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